BARONE, Michael Paul
| District Court | 28-02-2025 | breach of bond. |
BEATON, Nicole Gail
| District Court | 18-03-2025 | causing a bushfire or being recklessly indifferent as to whether your conduct caused a bushfire |
BLANCADA, Megan Skye
| District Court | 05-03-2025 | sexual abuse of a child. |
BRADBROOK, Crystal Jasmine
| District Court | 06-03-2025 | aggravated possessing a prescribed firearm without a licence. |
| District Court | 03-03-2025 | aggravated serious criminal trespass in a place of residence; theft; aggravated driving without due care; failing to stop and give particulars to persons at a crash scene |
COOK, Steven John
| District Court | 28-02-2025 | trafficking in a controlled drug. |
DARGIN, Kyle Marlyan
| District Court | 17-03-2025 | theft(3); aggravated serious criminal trespass in a place of residence (4). |
EDWARDS, Damien Richard
| District Court | 28-02-2025 | aggravated causing harm with intent to cause harm. |
EELBECK, Daniel John
| District Court | 05-03-2025 | trafficking in a commercial quantity of a controlled drug; trafficking in a controlled drug (2); cultivating controlled plants for sale; possessing prescribed equipment; abstract or divert electricity from power system; possessing prescription drug; have or use prohibited weapon. |
EICHNER, Jessica May
| District Court | 05-03-2025 | trafficking in a controlled drug. |
FISHER, Mikki Arianna
| District Court | 03-03-2025 | manufacturing a controlled drug. |
H, A
| District Court | 11-03-2025 | sexual abuse of a child. |
HEYES, Damian Michael
| District Court | 27-02-2025 | assault; robbery. |
HUMPHRYS, Mathew John
| District Court | 11-11-2024 | aggravated kidnapping |
HUNT, Shaun Richard William
| District Court | 05-03-2025 | trafficking in a commercial quantity of a controlled drug; cultivating controlled plants for sale. |
L, S A
| District Court | 13-02-2025 | aggravated possessing child exploitation material; failing to comply with reporting obligations. |
LABEEB, Rami Waleed
| District Court | 19-03-2025 | money laundering. |
LITTLE, Trevor Malcolm
| District Court | 04-03-2025 | incest (2). |
LLOYD, Tyson Jake
| District Court | 27-02-2025 | using a carriage service to access child abuse material; using a carriage service to solicit child abuse material; using a carriage service to transmit child abuse material; possession of child abuse material; using a carriage service to cause offence. |
LOVEGROVE, Ian Michael
| District Court | 26-03-2025 | aggravated causing serious harm with intent to cause serious harm. |
MARSHALL, Andrew Jonathon
| District Court | 18-02-2025 | possessing a prescribed firearm without a licence; possessing ammunition without a licence. |
MARTLAND, Simone Brittney
| District Court | 13-03-2025 | trafficking in a controlled drug (4). |
MATHEWS, Andrew Paul
| ERD Court | 11-03-2025 | contravening s.22(1) of the Local Nuisance and Litter Control Act. |
MAXWELL, Jarred Michael
| District Court | 11-03-2025 | aggravated possessing child exploitation material; possessing child exploitation material. |
MCDOUGALL, Benjamin David
| District Court | 11-03-2025 | indecent assault (2); failing to comply with bail agreement. |
MCKENNA, Benjamin Stephen
| District Court | 19-12-2024 | possess ammunition whilst subject to a firearms prohibition order; fail to comply with bail agreement; contravening an intervention order |
MOORE, Nicholas Lawrence
| District Court | 07-03-2025 | communicating to make a child amenable to sexual activity (2); producing child exploitation material. |
| District Court | 05-03-2025 | unlawful sexual intercourse. |
NELSON, Kasey Lee
| District Court | 25-02-2025 | breach of bond. |
PARKER, James Adrian
| District Court | 04-03-2025 | aggravated dissemination of child exploitation material; aggravated procuring a child to engage in sexual activity (3); aggravated communicating with a child to make that child amenable to sexual activity; communicating with a child to make child amenable to sexual activity (2); possession of child exploitation material (2). |
| District Court | 21-03-2025 | breach of bond. |
PEACE, Richard Keith
| District Court | 04-03-2025 | transmitting child exploitation material using a carriage service (2); possessing child abuse material; bestiality. |
PICKETT, Alicia Barbara Frances
| District Court | 25-03-2025 | driving without due care or attention; failure to stop, assist and present yourself to the police within 90 minutes of an accident. |
ROBINSON, Grant Leigh
| District Court | 07-03-2025 | possessing an unregistered prescribed firearm; possessing an unregistered category A firearm; possessing a prescribed firearm without a licence; possessing a category A firearm without a licence. |
ROGERS, Jana Louise
| District Court | 21-03-2025 | contravening a term of an intervention order; attempting to dissuade a person from attending court as a witness. |
ROLLOND, Philip John
| ERD Court | 18-03-2025 | knowingly cause serious environmental harm; fail to comply with a clean-up order (3); fail to comply with direction of authorised officer (2). |
| District Court | 13-03-2025 | cultivating controlled plants for sale. |
| District Court | 19-03-2025 | money laundering. |
SEARS, Hank Williams
| District Court | 11-03-2025 | aggravated indecent assault; unlawful sexual intercourse with a person under the age of 14 years (2). |
| Supreme Court | 31-01-2025 | aggravated causing harm with intent to cause harm; aggravated serious criminal trespass. |
SHILLABEER, Wayne Stephen
| District Court | 06-03-2025 | aggravated indecent assault. |
| District Court | 26-03-2025 | maintaining an unlawful sexual relationship with a child. |
| ERD Court | 18-03-2025 | causing of serious environmental harm by pollution of the environment intentionally or recklessly and with knowledge environmental harm would or might result; failing to comply with the direction of an authorised officer of the EPA (2). |
TILBURY, Paul Kevan
| District Court | 18-03-2025 | obtaining a financial advantage by deception (19). |
TIPPINS, Christopher Nathaniel
| District Court | 06-03-2025 | aggravated possess prescribed firearm without licence (2); aggravated possess Cat C, D, H firearm without licence; non-aggravated possess any other firearm without licence. |
TONEJ, Gentian
| District Court | 03-03-2025 | manufacturing a large commercial quantity of a controlled drug for sale. |
TSAKNAKIS, Constantinos
| District Court | 07-03-2025 | aggravated assault. |
WALLIS, Caitlin Brianna
| District Court | 05-03-2025 | aggravated threatening to cause harm; carrying an offensive weapon. |
WATSON, Lucas Robert
| District Court | 06-03-2025 | driving in a reckless or dangerous manner; being in possession of prescribed equipment; trafficking in cannabis; causing harm by dangerous driving; leaving the scene after causing harm by driving without due care; contravening an intervention order. |
WEETRA, Colin Andrew James
| District Court | 07-03-2025 | recklessly causing harm; recklessly causing serious harm. |
WILLGOOSE, Lauren Jean
| District Court | 05-03-2025 | aggravated causing death by dangerous driving; leaving an accident scene after causing a death by careless driving. |
WILLIAMS, Troy Andrew
| District Court | 24-03-2025 | procuring a child for sexual activity; unlawful sexual intercourse (10). |
WILLOUGHBY, Michael David
| District Court | 20-03-2025 | communicate to make a child amenable to sexual activity (2); possess child exploitation material; disseminate child exploitation material (2). |
WOODFORDE, Tyson James
| District Court | 28-02-2025 | trafficking in a controlled drug (2); breach of bond. |