On 24 February 2025, the State Courts Administration Council (SCAC) approved the permanent cessation of court sittings at Waikerie.

Stakeholders have been advised and work will commence shortly to decommission the court.

On 16 May 2024, the SCAC announced that sittings at the Waikerie court, which had been held for up to one day per month, would cease temporarily while the Courts Administration Authority undertook an assessment of security and general facilities at the court.  During this time Waikerie matters were heard at the Berri Magistrates Court.

The assessment revealed the cost to bring the facilities up to a standard to support the proper administration of justice and provide a safe environment for the judiciary, court staff and court users was prohibitive, and that not all inadequacies could be addressed.

Consultation then occurred with stakeholders and feedback was received:

  1. acknowledging the inadequate facilities and the prohibitive nature of costs to bring the court up to an appropriate standard, and
  2. supporting the permanent cessation of court sittings at Waikerie.

Matters that would previously have been heard in Waikerie will continue to be listed at the Berri Magistrates Court.